Returnees, IDP's, Vulnerable Iraqis Attain Livelihoods (RIVAL)
RIVAL (Returnees, IDPs and Vulnerable Iraqis Attain Livelihoods) is a two-year livelihoods program funded by the US State Department's Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) and implemented by ZOA (Dutch NGO) and JDA. As agriculture plays a key role in the livelihoods of the target beneficiaries, the program focuses on rebuilding the agricultural activities in the targeted villages as a backbone of sustainable re-settlement of beneficiaries. The program will also rehabilitate homes in a Telkaif district community and improve the socio-economic status of vulnerable groups of IDPs, returnees and host community members in Telkaif in Ninawe and Sumel in Dahuk through the provision of emergency livelihood opportunities. JDA's role in RIVAL consists of 3 objectives with 6 various components. These activities will reach 3500 direct beneficiaries.